
Showing posts from June, 2013

Little Dwipanwita Kundu at Bethuadahari Utsav - 2013 [HD]

Dwipanwita Kundu is a very popular name now a days through the T.V serials. She is the little popular star cum anchor of  'Dance Bangla Dance' , the popular show of  ZEE Bangla .   This year on 21st January 2013  the organizer of  'Bethuadahari Utsav - 2013'  bring her to this fair as a guest performer. Additional 15000 tickets were  sold that night in the fair , as declared by the organizer .Crowd were waiting for the little girl from evening.  Here few  moments caught by myself. It is a  HD version Video. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To enjoy the HD Video click the following YouTube link --►                             OR ,           PLAY the following YouTube Window             ...

Sunrise in Old Digha Beach [HD]

View of Sunrise in Old Digha Beach is just mind blowing &  I've recorded this video on 31st October 2012 at 5:45 A.M . As a very big glowing dish goes up in the sky, the reddish sky covers the whole beach .  Water of Bay of Bengal changes its colour  as the sky . Visitors  take their bath in the reddish light, coming  out of the horizon.             To enjoy the HD Video click the following YouTube link --►                                                         OR ,            PLAY the following YouTube Window                                               ...

Chirping of Cricket

C an you imagine a night without the very common chirping sound around you? or can you think of  a night scene in a horror or normal drama / cinema /theater without the chirping noise ? I think it can only  be compared to a cooked food without salt.  In the lap of nature there are various types of living beings  with their unique identity. Cricket is one of those who creates a background music around us  from dusk to dawn. The sound created by  crickets is referred to as chirping; the scientific name is stridulation. Only the male crickets chirp. The sound is created by the stridulatory organ, a large vein running along the bottom of each wing, covered with "teeth" (serration) much like a comb. The chirping sound is created by running the top of one wing along the teeth at the bottom of the other wing. Crickets have tympanic membranes situated just under the middle joint of each front leg (or knee...

Compound Eye of Bee

Arthropod eyes are called compound eyes because they are made up of repeating units, the ommatidia, each of which functions as a separate visual receptor. Compound  Eye of  Bee ©    Like most insects,  bees have compound eyes that are made up of thousands of tiny lenses called ommatidia. front view of  Bee  courtesy: Each ommatidium consists of  a lens (the front surface of which makes up a single facet) a transparent crystalline cone ,  light-sensitive visual cells arranged in a radial pattern like the sections of  an orange  pigment cells which separate the ommatidium from its neighbors. compound eye of bee © front view of  Bee courtesy:    This allows bees to detect polarized light -- something human beings cannot do. two compound eyes, which are used for distance vision outs...