Parent Birds Feeding & Cleaning Baby Birds
Red-vented Bulbul is a very common bird in India. This video is made on how these birds take care of it's nestlings. The behaviour of the parent birds are really amazing. In this video you will see how it feeds it's nestlings. Inspite of that, how it collects the stool of nestlings to keep it clean and secure can also be seen in the video.
Parent birds perform many responsibilities to rear their nestlings. First of all they choose a secure place on the branch of tree or somewhere else where none can harm its eggs or nestlings. Then they make its nest there according to its own style. The making of the nest is amazing to watch. It creates nest generally before its breeding season or the time of laying eggs. The elements that are generally used to make the nest varies according to the species. Then mother bird lays 3/4 eggs safely inside the nest. The process of incubating eggs is performed by both the parent birds (the mother bird and father bird in relay) starts and continues for even very few weeks just after laying eggs till its nestlings come out of the eggs.
Both the parent birds ( Mother and Father ) take almost equal responsibility to rear the nestlings. When the baby birds come out of the eggs they become very hungry and ask for food by gesture (all the time) and calling. Both the parent birds collect insects, seeds, fruits from the surroundings to feed its nestlings. Until the baby birds can fly and collect its food the parent birds supplies it continuously.
It’s wonderful to watch how parent birds keep the nest clean by picking up stool of the baby. It collects stool left by the baby birds and keep the nest clean and secure. The smell from the stool laid by the baby birds can give information to the carnivorous animals about the presence of the nestlings and that can make its life insecure. So parent birds collect it with its beak and free the nest from infection and insecurity.
Over all it took almost a week to record the basic instinct of nestlings and parent birds. The nest generally created at such a height where no body can reach or can see easily. It was summer so it was quiet tough to shoot the moments. Expect you will love it and you can explore more information than I've supplied..
Source of information: Wikipedia, Internet, few bird related magazines
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